直島|Nao Island

島特集 | Island Special Features
Recommended locals of Naoshima .
When in doubt where to go , and no matter went to the spot and shops that locals recommend .


Naoshima , population about 3,150 people , the island’s area 14.22K㎡ . About 20 minutes by ferry from Uno Port , you can enjoy the sightseeing using the bus when you arrive at the Naoshima . Naoshima is as an island of art , it has recently gained popularity . Mainly Benesse is to buy the land from before more than 10 years , or made ​​the accommodation , we’re working with or even play the old houses in Art . It is also the location of one of the leading Western people gather in Japan .

On the other hand , seems to be puzzled to increase the first time tourists recently here also local residents , the figure of the previous quiet island was gone , and are struggling to manners of the tourists I met in passing aunt There was me talking . Not only Japanese , also different culture people overseas , people who do not observe the Japan of manners many , you can walk to spread through the narrow streets full road , it would go put a large amount of trash without even separated into trash it also is often like . Therefore , it was said to have removed the trash that had been installed in the street .

People who want to protect the appearance of the old days of the island and the people who create the industry as an art of the island , was the island that is willing to show the appearance of new island while seeking a place to compromise every day . Here , I think once is like to introduce want location , which visited in Naoshima .

宇野港から直島へ移動 | Move from Uno Port to Naoshima

500円駐車場 | 500 yen Parking
玉野市築港1-1-2 Map
Chikkou1-1-2 Tamano-shi Map
Being cheap and convenient in the 500 yen the 1st car park at the back of Uno Minato-eki , it is a 10-minute walk from the ferry landing

宇野港 | Uno Port
玉野市築港1-3 Map
Chikkou1-3 Tamano-shi Map
290 yen one way to Naoshima , it is about 20 minutes boarding time

バス | Bus
Move in Naoshima is convenient to use a bus that is available in 100 yen once

 sponsords | あなたにお勧めしたい広告

一度は訪れて欲しい家プロジェクトエリア | Once you want to visit home project area

木村エリア | KimuraArea
House Project is located in the area of the island of Kimura

家プロジェクト | House Project
The building , which sells tickets for home project , is in the stylish building is sold the goods and souvenirs , it has become a cozy space

安藤忠雄ミュージアム | Tadao Ando museum
You can know the history of efforts in Ando ‘s Naoshima

南寺 | Nanji
Minamidera the number of people put to once have decided , to spend in the dark space experience first in the non- daily is also felt fear , was interesting place

護王神社 | Gooushrine
Clean glass of stairs as ice , When I look back and walked with a flashlight under the stairs seems to have been designed to be able to see the Pacific Ocean in the economy that has seen ancient people

角屋 | Kadoya
The building of the oldest dating back 200 years in the house project

石橋 | Ishibashi
The building that had made ​​a salt

はいしゃ | Haisha
The building that was crafted out of the box

 sponsords | あなたにお勧めしたい広告

一度は訪れて欲しいベネッセアートサイトトエリア | Once you want to visit Benesse Art Site To area

ベネッセアートサイトへバスで移動 | Moved by bus to the Benesse Art Site
It has been moved from a house project area to area with underground museums and Benesse House

つつじ荘 | Azalea Zhuang
When you get off the bus arrived in front of the azalea show, in the azalea Zhuang is a facility that can meals and accommodation in a place you hear the sound of waves

鳥居 | Torii
There is a torii of much height Height

地中美術館 | Underground museum
In the underground museum , there is also a work that can experience like that you have never experienced , also can be seen Tadao Ando commitment , we were able to realize the value of more than the ticket price

屋外アート | Outdoor Art
Work that can be seen for free on outdoors had been scattered

屋外アート | Outdoor Art
Movies that are suddenly placed in the seaside

ベネッセハウス | Benesse House
It is a very nice place to be accommodation at Benesse House

屋外アート | Outdoor Art
Dog and human

屋外アート | Outdoor Art


屋外アート | Outdoor Art

屋外アート | Outdoor Art


屋外アート | Outdoor Art

屋外アート | Outdoor Art
Yayoi Kusama’s yellow pumpkin

フェリー乗り場へバスで移動 | Go to the ferry landing by bus

バス | bus
Benesse area can now look forward to quickly dusk in the afternoon , we return by riding about 20 minutes from the azalea Zhuang before the bus stop to the ferry

買い物 | Shopping
Facility can buy souvenirs and tickets at the ferry of Naoshima

フェリー | Ferry
We return to Uno Port riding on the ferry Hisaa from Naoshima